Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Portion Control

I am a firm believer in portion control. The concept is easy: if you eat less, you consume fewer calories. But in a world where bigger is better it’s tough to figure out what a “normal” portion size is. Society has instilled in us (what I like to call) portion distortion. It is very easy to overeat in a world of oversized muffins, monster burgers, super sizing and all-you-can eat buffets. While you may know the basics about nutrition, you need to rethink how much you eat. It’s just as important as WHAT you eat.

The first step to mastering portion control is being able to VISUALIZE what a recommended serving looks like. Click on this link for a handy portion control guide. Once you can visualize what a normal serving of each type of food is, you will realize how "over-served" you are in restaurants or how damaging the second helpings at home can be to your weight loss goals.

If it is still too hard for you to visualize the portions, try these Portion Control Plates to help you out. A few of my clients who have diabetes also use a different type of plate, the EZ Weight Plate to help them. They are a lot bigger, but help with more portion sizes such as salad dressings and sauces.

It's easy to control portions at home, but some of my clients have expressed how difficult it is for them while out to eat. Think about it this way...your favorite muffin at the coffee shop on the way to work can actually be the equivalent to THREE servings! Or that steak from your favorite steakhouse could be more than EIGHT times the normal portion! Check out this link to see other ways you could be consuming more than your fair share.

Here are some easy ways to control your portions both at home and while out to eat:
  • In restaurants, before you even start to eat, put half of what is on your plate in a to-go box and enjoy it for another meal. Or, share the meal with a friend.
  • Order a kid's size meal when you go to fast food places.
  • Eating a salad before your meal is a sure-fire way to keep from overeating. Load up on veggies! The fiber in them will help you feel fuller!
  • Eat takes about 20 minutes for your stomach to signal to your brain that you are full.
  • Master the mini-meals. You can make sure your blood sugar stays at an even level and keep hunger at bay by eating healthful small meals throughout the day. Mini meals are by far the best way to prevent overeating because you'll never get too hungry or lose control of your portion intake.
  • Don't serve family meals family-style. Keep pots and dishes away from the table so it's not so easy to go for seconds.
  • Instead of using one large container to store leftovers such as casseroles, side dishes, or pasta, separate them into individually-sized containers. That way, when you reach in the fridge to find something to reheat, you're getting just enough for one helping.
  • Buy snack foods in single serving sizes or break up full size packages into smaller, indvidual bags. It may be difficult to stop eating chips straight out of the bag while watching TV, but are you as likely to inhale the contents of 12 zipper bags without some forethought?Doubtful.

I hope you all find this information helpful!

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